Talmud Brachot - Study Guide #1
Chevrutah = study partner
Brachot (Brachos) = blessings
Mishnah = predecessor to the Talmud, the Mishnah contains simple and concise legal statements which generally do not reference the Torah, but presume knowledge of the Torah. This body of work is often published on its own.
Gemara = the expounding of the Mishnah to both explain and connect the legal statements of the Mishnah with the Torah. It is never published on its own, but only within the Talmud.
Talmud = the compilation of the Mishnah and Gemara
Sugya or Sugyot (sugyos) = a section of Talmud to be studied as a unit
In-Class Assignment and Study Questions
Read out loud to each other just the Mishnah Chapter One pgs. 2a1-2. You may be tempted to read ahead, but please do not read past the Mishnah.
What do you notice about the measurements used as parameters for saying Shema? Why don’t they just give you a time?
What does this tell you about how Jewish time is measured?
Is there a difference between obligation to say it and being allowed to say it to fulfill the mitzvah?
Why are “the Sages” more stringent than the Biblical command? What does this tell us about the way they viewed people and dealt with them?
Read the Publisher’s Preface as well as the General Introduction
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