Talmud Studies Class
Join Rabbi Tamar to Study Tractate Berachot (Blessings)

This class is for everyone from very beginners to those who have studied a bit. We will be learning the first tractate, Brachot, which means blessings. It covers the discussions around prayer and ritual. This will be an on-going class until we finish the tractate or decide as a group to do something else. Very informal and for all levels of interest.

L'Shanah Tovah 5772
Class Schedule. Tuesday 04 OCT Tuesday 18 OCT Tuesday 01 NOV

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Tractate Berachot!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Class Three Study Guide

Talmud Brachot - Study Guide #3
Page 3a: Praying from the Ruins

• Baraisa (or Baraita) = Tannaitic text (200-300 CE) not found in the Mishnah
• Aggadah = term used for the stories found in the Talmud
• Mishnah / mishnah = with a capital “M” it refers to the body of work as a whole,
with a lower case “m” it refers to a line in the Mishnah
• Sugya = section of Gemara we are studying


1. Begin with the aggadah on the bottom of page 3a2 where it says “The Gemara cites a related incident” and read through the end of page 3a4.

2. If you finish, go back and read the Halachic argument beginning on page 3a1 where it says “The Gemara quotes the ruling of R’ Eliezer…”

Study Questions

1. Why do you think Rabbi Yose entered the ruins to pray?
2. What does this story tell us about how the rabbis viewed prayer?
3. What does this story convey about the relationship between prayer and the Temple?
4. How does Elijah function in this story? Given what you may already know about him, why do you think he specifically appears here?
5. If you found time to read both sections, think about the contrast in the descriptions of G-d’s voice – what do you make of this?
6. Try to identify where the aggadah in this section begins and ends. What characteristics differentiate the aggadah from halachic arguments in the Talmud? Do you notice any language that sounds aggadic mixed in with Halacha? If so, where?

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